List of High Energy Physics Theory "Pizza" Seminars for 2005-2006

  1. Progress in the Gauge Theory/Gravity Correspondence, Jeff Murugan, Brown University and University of Cape Town, June 7th, 2005.

  2. Mass-radius relations for solitonic stars, Prashanth Jaikumar, Argonne National Lab, July 5th, 2005.

  3. Non-Perturbative Instabilities as a Solution of the Cosmological Moduli Problem, Natalia Shuhmaher, McGill University, September 13th, 2005.

  4. Thermalization after inflation in SUSY, Rouzbeh Allahverdi, TRIUMF, Vancouver, September 23th, 2005.

  5. Gravity and Gauge Theory, Keshav Dasgupta, McGill University, September 27th, 2005.

  6. Inflation with the QCD axion, Thorsten Battefeld, Brown University, October 4th, 2005.

  7. Multibrane Inflation, Jim Cline, McGill University, October 11th, 2005.

  8. Leaving the Swampland: The Relevance of String Dynamics, Sera Cremonini, Brown University, October 18th, 2005.

  9. The role of plasma instabilities in quark-gluon plasma equilibration, Peter Arnold, University of Virginia, October 25th, 2005.

  10. Inflation with w=+1, Subodh Patil, McGill University, October 25th, 2005.

  11. Self-T-Dual Brane Cosmology and The Cosmological Constant, Olindo Corradini, Universita' di Bologna, November 8th, 2005.

  12. Flavor backreacted supergravity backgrounds and meson Regge trajectories, Diana Vaman, University of Michigan, November 22nd, 2005.

  13. Cosmological Aspects of Loop Quantum Gravity, Johannes Brunnemann, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gravitationsphysik Potsdam (Germany), November 24nd, 2005.

  14. Non-equilibrium Physics of the Very Early Universe, Dmitry Podolsky, CITA, Toronto, November 29th, 2005.

  15. Gauge Theories from String Theory: Geometric Transitions, Anke Knauf, Maryland University & Hamburg U, Inst. Theor. Phys. II, December 2nd, 2005.

  16. Present and Future Constraints on the Total Lifetime of the Universe, Jan Michael Kratochvil, Stanford University, December 6th, 2005.

  17. Supersymmetric Dirac Leptogenesis and Neutrino Phenomenology, Manuel Toharia, University of Michigan, January 5th, 2006.

  18. Gravitational Waves in a Codimension Two Braneworld, Claudia de Rham, McGill University, January 10th, 2006.

  19. A graceful exit for Old Inflation and a solution to the Hierarchy Problem, Alessio Notari, McGill University, January 17th, 2006.

  20. Producing a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations in a hagedorn phase of string cosmology, Ali Nayeri, Harvard University, Phys. Dept, January 13th, 2006.

  21. Supersymmetry on the Lattice, Joshua Elliott, McGill University, January 24th, 2006.

  22. String Theory and Cosmology, Horace Stoica, McGill University, January 31th, 2006.

  23. Illuminate the dark energy and see the backreaction! Take the universe as it is: structured FRW, Reza Mansouri, McGill University, January 31th, 2006.

  24. Confining the electroweak model to a brane, Gonzalo Palma, Cambridge University, February 8th, 2006.

  25. Nongaussianity and Spectral Distorsion from Tachuonic Preheating, Neil Barnaby, McGill, February 14th, 2005.

  26. Towards an Alternative to Inflationary Cosmology, Robert Brandenberger, McGill University, February 28th, 2006.

  27. Early stages of the universe: brane gas-driven bulk dynamics, Natalia Shuhmaher, McGill University, March 14th, 2006.

  28. Possible Origin of Dark Matter as a Fluctuating Remnant of Inflation, Robert Brout, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), March 21th, 2005.

  29. A road towards reheating MS(SM) degrees of freedom, Anupam Mazumdar, Nordita, Denmark, March 23rd, 2006.

  30. Inflationary spectral indices and potential reconstruction, Loison Hoi, McGill University, April 11th, 2005.

  31. The Boundary as Distant Stars: Mach's Principle in General Relativity, Justin Khoury, Perimeter Institute, April 18th, 2005.

  32. Accelerated expansion from structure formation, Syksy Rasanen, University, April 25th, 2005.

  33. Dynamics of the string theory landscape, Senarath de Alwis, Perimeter Inst. Theor. Phys. & Colorado University, April 25th, 2005.

  34. Black hole singularities in Yang-Mills theories, Guido Festuccia, MIT, May 2nd, 2005.

  35. D-strings, Supergravity Cosmic Strings and Fermion Zero Modes, Anne-Christine Davis, (Cambridge University, DAMTP), May 4th, 2006.

  36. Orientifolds and Bubbling Geometries in String Theory, Sunil Mukhi, Tata Institute, May 9th, 2006.

  37. Decoherence and Primordial Fluctuations, Patrick Martineau, (McGill University), May 16th, 2006.

  38. Particle physics catalysis of thermal Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Maxim Pospelov, University of Victoria/Perimeter Institute, May 19th, 2006.

  39. Mimicking Lambda with a spin-two ghost condensate, Claudia de Rham, McGill University, May 26th, 2006.

  40. Nonlinearity inthe gravitational lensing and its applications to cosmology, Marina Shmakova, University, May 30th, 2006.