F.Corriveau - Talks
Date Location Institute Occasion Title Formats


2007/11/08 Vancouver UBC NSERC IPP Review ZEUS and the IPP (.pdf) (.ppt)
2007/07/03 London, UK Imperial College PASCOS Conference Recent Results from HERA ep Collisions (.pdf) (.ppt)
2007/06/18 Saskatoon Saskatoon CAP Congress Electroweak Results from ZEUS (.pdf) (.ppt)
2007/02/20 Montréal Dawson College McGill Outreach Lecture Particle Colliders (.pdf) (.ppt)


2006/11/29 Montréal McGill HEP Seminar ZEUS for Beginners (.pdf) (.ppt)
2006/05/15 Montréal McGill Acfas Congress La nouvelle génération: le collisionneur linéaire international (.pdf) (.ppt)
2006/04/26 Montréal McGill HEP Seminar International Linear Collider Calorimetry (.pdf) (.ppt)
2006/02/07 Toronto UofT HEP Seminar Calorimetry for the Linear Collider (.pdf) (.ppt)


2005/06/07 Vancouver UBC CAP Congress ZEUS Gets Polarized (.pdf) (.ppt)


2004/06/22 Hamburg DESY ZEUS Meeting The Polarimeters - Status (.pdf) (.ppt)
2004/06/15 Manitoba Winnipeg CAP Congress Recent ZEUS Results at HERA (.pdf) (.ppt)
2004/05/26 Hamburg DESY ZEUS Data Tools Meeting Polarisation Measurements (.pdf) (.ppt)
2004/03/02 Hamburg DESY ZEUS Meeting The HERA Polarimeters (.pdf) (.ppt)


2003/09/30 Tegernsee Ringberg Ringberg 2003 Photo- and electroproduction of singles hadrons and resonances (talk) (.pdf) (.ppt)
. . . . Idem (paper) (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
2003/06/10 I.P.E. Charlottetown CAP Congress Report on the Linear Collider (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
2003/03/26 Trois-Rivières UQATR CAP Lecture Une Question d'Échelle: minuscule ou infinitésimal? (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
2003/03/20 Montréal McGill CAP Lecture A Matter of Scale: Small, Smaller, Smallest (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
2003/02/11 Ontario Toronto CAP Lecture A Matter of Scale: Small, Smaller, Smallest (.pdf) (.ps.gz)


2002/04/26 Alberta Edmonton HEP Seminar A Matter of Structure


2001/07/27 Japan KEK JLC Meeting JLC Detector Calorimeter - Offline Clustering (.pdf)
2001/06/19 B.C. Victoria CAP Congress QCD Physics with ZEUS at HERA


2000/05/16 Montréal UdeM Acfas Congress Étude de l'évoltution partonique en diffusion inélastique profonde à HERA
2000/03/14 Ontario York Colloquim Think small, get the big picture: physics at the attometer scale
2000/02/14 Ontario Carleton HEP Seminar Jet Physics with ZEUS at HERA


1999/09/10 Montréal McGill Grad Students Introduction to High Energy Physics at McGill


1998/10/06 Montréal McGill Grad Students Introduction to High Energy Physics at McGill
1998/06/11 Ontario Waterloo CAP Congress Recent results from the ZEUS Experiment at HERA (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
1998/05/11 Montréal UdeM Acfas Congress La physique des "jets" avec le détecteur ZEUS à HERA (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
1998/02/19 Alberta Lake Louise LLWI 1998 Hadronic Final States and Jets Physics at HERA (talk) (.pdf) (.ps.gz)
. . . . Idem (paper) (.pdf) (.ps.gz)


1996/06/00 Québec Laval CAP Lecture Diffusion inélastique profonde à HERA et les fonctions de structure du proton
1996/03/25 Kingston RMC CAP Lecture The Puzzle of the Nature of the Photon
1996/03/25 Kingston Queen's CAP Lecture The Puzzle of the Nature of the Photon


1995/10/05 Montréal UdeM HEP Seminar Résultats récents de ZEUS en diffusion inélastique profonde
1995/06/00 Québec Laval HEP Seminar Les fonctions de structure du proton à HERA
1995/09/25 Ottawa Carleton HEP Seminar Recent Deep Inelastic Scattering Results from ZEUS
1995/08/17 Montréal UdeM HEP Seminar ZUT - an Ultra-Fast Monte-Carlo for the ZEUS Experiment
1995/06/13 Québec Laval CAP Congress Recent Results in Deep Inelastic Scattering from the ZEUS Experiment
1995/05/24 Montréal McGill Acfas Congress La structure de la matière à l'échelle de l'attomètre (10^-18 m)
1995/02/22 Alberta Lake Louise LLWI 1995 HERA Physics (Lectures)
. . . . Idem (paper) .


1993/11 Review Article Physics in Canada L'accélérateur de particules HERA
1993/06/13 B.C. Simon Fraser CAP Congress ZEUS goes forward
1993/03/23 Montréal UQAM CAP Lecture L'expérience ZEUS: les hautes énergies et l'infiniment petit
1993/03/18 Trois-Rivières UQATR CAP Lecture L'expérience ZEUS: les hautes énergies et l'infiniment petit
1993/03/15 Montréal McGill HEP Seminar New results from Mount Olympus -- ZEUS speaks!
1993/03/04 Montréal UdeM HEP Seminar Premiers résultats obtenus à HERA


1992/06/15 Ontario Windsor CAP Congress Status of ZEUS


1990/09/07 Germany Saarbruecken TOSCA Meeting Using TOSCA -- The Magnetic Field Calculations for the ZEUS Detector at HERA
1990/03/22 Germany Hamburg DPG Meeting Influence of the Magnetic Field on the Calorimeter Calibration in the ZEUS Detector
1990/03/22 Germany Hamburg DPG Meeting Calculations and Measurements of the Magnetic Field and Forces in the ZEUS Detector


1989/11/15 Hamburg DESY Talk TOSCA, a Program Package for Computing 3-Dimensional Magnetic Fields
1989/11/03 B.C. TRIUMF Colloquium Aspects of the ZEUS Experiment at HERA (IPP Canada tour)
1989/11/01 Montréal UdeM HEP Seminar Aspects of the ZEUS Experiment at HERA (IPP Canada tour)
1989/10/31 Ontario Carleton HEP Seminar Aspects of the ZEUS Experiment at HERA (IPP Canada tour)
1989/10/30 Ontario Toronto HEP Seminar Aspects of the ZEUS Experiment at HERA (IPP Canada tour)

First created on July 2nd, 2004.
Last updated by François Corriveau (corriveau à physics.mcgill.ca) on Noveber 28th, 2007.