Copyright © 2016 Lenin Del Rio Amador

Lenin Del Rio Amador

StocSIPS, Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System. Exploiting the atmosphere’s memory for long-term forecasts

During my PhD, my research work has focused on data processing, time series analysis and stochastic modelling of the atmospheric dynamics in order to make predictions based on the statistical properties of time series with structures spanning large ranges of scales (scaling, fractals, multifractals). The main results have led to the theoretical model SLIMM and the developing and operational set-up of the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System and website (StocSIPS) for long-range forecast of atmospheric fields.

Over the past ten years, a key advance in our understanding of atmospheric variability is the discovery that between the weather and climate regime lies an intermediate “macroweather” regime, spanning the range of scales from ≈10 days to ≈30 years. Macroweather statistics are characterized by two fundamental symmetries: scaling (turbulence-like laws) and the factorization of the joint space-time statistics.

These statistical properties are fundamental for macroweather forecasting.  For example:

- The temporal scaling implies that the system has a long range memory that can be exploited for forecasting.

- The low temporal intermittency implies that mathematically well-established (Gaussian) forecasting techniques can be used.

- The statistical factorization property implies that although spatial correlations are large, they are not necessarily useful in making regional forecasts.

These statistical features represent our hypothesis for building the Stochastic Linear Macroweather Model (SLIMM) and can be directly exploited by the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System (StocSIPS). StocSIPS is a straightforward, highly efficient forecasting system that makes global, monthly, seasonal and interannual forecasts. Using hindcasts, we compare StocSIPS with other Global Circulation Models, in particular the Environment Canada’s CanSIPS model, finding that over most of the earth, for horizons beyond about one month, StocSIPS is significantly more accurate.  

StocSIPS’ advantages include:

Convergence to the real – not model - climate.

Over one million less computing time.

No need for data assimilation.  

No ad hoc post processing.

No need for downscaling.

Curriculum Vitae

McGill Nonlinear Physics Page

Group for the Analysis of Nonlinear variability in Geophysics (GANG)

CV Lenin Del Rio Amador.pdf


One month temperature forecast

One season temperature forecast

One year temperature forecast

If you are interested in our temperature predictions for  next month, season or year, you can follow this links: Current Research

Contact Info:

Office: ERP 207, McGill University

Phone: +1 514 398 3916

Email: [email protected]

Field: Non Linear Dynamics


During my MSc., I worked in the Superconductivity and Complex Phenomena groups in the Physics Faculty, University of Havana. My main focus was on experimental research and phenomenological modelling of transport properties of high-TC superconductors. Particularly on BSCCO and YBCO composite tapes, the most used materials in power applications of Superconductivity. We used an approach that combined laser cutting, microimaging, transport measurements and theoretical modelling to explain the anisotropy of the critical current and I-V characteristics of these materials.

I also had other contributions in the area of Soft Matter Physics for the study of dispersion and migration of bacteria under flow in tortuous and confined structures such as porous or fractured materials. In particular, I developed a theoretical model for explaining the behaviour of flow-controlled densification and anomalous dispersion of E. coli through a constriction.

Previous Research

2016.- Giant natural fluctuation models and anthropogenic warming, Geophys. Res. Lett.

Recent Publications

2015.- The Scaling LInear Macroweather model (SLIM): using scaling to forecast global scale macroweather from months to decades. Earth Syst. Dynam.

Oral Presentations


Presentations #poster

Conference Presentations

Complete list of publications


Presentation given at Environment Canada, April 29th, 2016


Public Presentations

2018.- Harnessing Butterflies: Theory and Practice of  the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual

Prediction System (StocSIPS).

Chapter in Nonlinear Advances in Geosciences, A.A. Tsonis ed. Springer Nature.

2019.- Predicting the global temperature with the Stochastic Seasonal to Interannual Prediction System (StocSIPS), Clim. Dyn