McGill Pulsar Group
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The McGill Pulsar group consists of:

Who What Where* (email/office/phone)
Dr. Victoria Kaspi Everything to do with pulsars! vkaspi@/#224/x6412
Dr. Hongjun An NuSTAR/X-ray optics hjan@/#220
Dr. Antoine Bouchard Radio pulsar surveys abouchard@/#223/x6820
Dr. Rim Dib Pulse searching in LMXBs, AXP monitoring rim@/#325/x5808
Dr. Ryan Lynch Globular cluster pulsars, radio pulsar surveys rlynch@/#226/x6520
Dr. Stephen Chi-Yung Ng Neutron stars, PWNe, and SNRs ncy@/#226/x6520
Anne Archibald (PhD) Pulsar surveys and timing noise aarchiba@/#227/x7032
Scott Olausen (PhD) X-ray pulsar searches soulausen@/#325/x5808
Paul Scholz (PhD) Magnetars, radio pulsar surveys pscholz@/#325/x5808
Robert Archibald (MSc) Magnetars rarchiba@/#227/x7032
Francois Dufour (MSc) NuSTAR/supernova remnants francois.dufour at
Chen Karako (MSc) Rotating Radio Transients karakoc@/#325/x5808

Past members:

Dr. Margaret Livingstone Young pulsar timing noise
Patrick Lazarus Radio pulsar surveys Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Dr. Slavko Bogdanov Millisecond pulsars Columbia Astrophysics Laboratory
Dr. Wei Wei Zhu X-ray pulsars and compact objects University of British Columbia
Dr. Zhongxiang Wang Infrared disks around pulsars and LMXBs Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Abel Beyene AXP bursts
Kristen Boydstun Magnetar count rate estimates for NuSTAR California Institute of Technology
Dr. René Breton Binary radio pulsars University of Toronto
Cindy Tam Infrared and X-ray AXPs, radio SNRs University of British Columbia
Dr. Cees Bassa Optical binary pulsars University of Manchester
Dr. Marjorie Gonzalez X-ray pulsars and nebulae University of British Columbia
Dr. David Champion Radio pulsar searching and timing Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie
Dr. Jason Hessels MSPs in globular clusters, radio surveys ASTRON/University of Amsterdam
Dr. Claude-André Faucher-Giguère Pulsar population modelling UC Berkeley
Dr. Fotis Gavriil AXP monitoring, timing, spectroscopy Goddard Space Flight Center
Dr. Maxim Lyutikov Magnetar, GRB, radio pulsar and PWN theory Purdue University
Dr. Scott Ransom Pulsar searching and timing, PRESTO National Radio Astronomy Observatory
Dr. Mallory Roberts Unidentified EGRET sources, PWN Everywhere
*email: / office: Ernest Rutherford Building Room #/ phone: 514-398-x