Next Generation X-ray Sources

Friday, May 1, 2009
McGill University

Around the world, next generation x-ray sources are either under construction or being proposed. The Canadian Institute for Synchrotron Radiation (CISR) is hosting this workshop to inform the Canadian Community about the status and the exciting new science that is being proposed to take advantage of these new sources. One goal of the workshop is finding out about the community in Canada interested in such projects. With enough interest, a working group will be established to discuss how to proceed further.

This workshop will highlight the energy recovery linacs (ERL), x-ray free electron lasers (XFEL), and laser induced x-ray sources. Topics will feature the science behind the new sources, source properties and the proposed new science they allow.

Participants should register by midnight on Monday, April 27, 2009 in order to be included in the order for lunch. There is no registration fee.
New: The agenda for the workshop is in this pdf file. Contact Mark Sutton at [email protected] or 514-398-6523 if you have any further questions.

Invited speakers:

Speaker Title
John Arther, SLAC LCLS: Commissioning and progress.
Mark Sutton, McGill LCLS: Proposed experiments.
Georg Hoffstaetter, Cornell Advantages of an ERL for x-ray production.
Joel Brock, Cornell Scientific opportunities at an ERL.
Kim Ta Phuoc, LOA-ENSTA Laser driven femtosecond X-ray sources.
Jean-Claude Kieffer, IRNS Using x-rays at ALLS.

Accomodation: You are on your own. We suggest either

Delta Montreal
475 President Kennedy
Montreal, H3A 1J7
Contact: Reservations 1-877-286-1986
(request McGill special rate)
Holiday Inn Montreal Midtown
420 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, H3A 1B4
Contact: Reservations 1-800-387-3042
(request McGill special rate)

The location of the workshop will be:

Rutherford Physics Building [MAP]
McGill University
Montréal, Québec
H3A 2T8
[Canadian Institute for Synchroton Radiation]