Hossein Azizi
Office: ERP 227
Phone: +1 514 398 7032
azizih at physics dot mcgill dot ca
Field: Theoretical Condensed Matter
My research focus is on the study of spatio-temporal instabilities and the morphological pattern formation in continuum and discrete chemically reactive media. These complex excitable systems function based on threshold mechanisms and have a vast range of applications from biology (e.g. signal propagation in spiking neural networks) to material sciences (e.g. manufacturing of novel materials by Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS) methods). The primary objective of this project is to understand the dynamics of pattern formation in chemically excitable media, and how the pattern formation interacts with the stochasticity of a random medium. In this research, we address the formation of self-sustained cellular fronts obtained for certain ranges of model parameters, and their transition to complex chaotic cellular or dendritic seaweed patterns. Our results for pattern formation in the limit of continuum reactive media is published in https://journals.aps.org/pre/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevE.95.012219.