McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

CPM Seminar

Kondo effect in artificial nanostructures

Pascal Simon

Université Joseph Fourier
CNRS Grenoble

The Kondo effect has undergone a tremendous renewal of interest since its observation in several different types of nanostructures: in quantum dots, in carbon nanotubes, in STM experiments on a single magnetic impurity... This set of experiments open new directions toward a better understanding of the Kondo effect in a mesoscopic environnement. For example, this may offer new opportunities to probe the controversial Kondo screening cloud which has never been detected so far. I will present new results concerning the consequences of the finite size extension of such a cloud around a quantum dot. More generally, I will also show how new exotic physics can emerge from the realization of the Kondo effect in nanostructures.

Tuesday, April 29th 2003, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)