McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

CPM Seminar

Surface forces measurements: long range forces and adhesion
A few case studies relevant to the glass industry

Etienne Barthel

Unité Mixte CNRS/Saint Gobain

Adhesion is a key element in many industrial processes. We have developped specific surface forces experiments to gain fundamental insight into some adhesion problems relevant to the glass industry. This talk is meant to be a simple introduction to the measurement of surface forces. On the theoretical side, special emphasis will be given to the description of contact properties, especially to the relation between the long and short range forces, the adhesion energy, and the adherence force. On the experimental side, we will describe the dedicated experiments which have been devised at our lab to study systems of industrial significance:

a) the metal/oxide interface is tackled by Ultra High Vacuum AFM (resonant mode)

b) the silica/silica interface has been studied in dry atmosphere; a precise description of the interaction has been obtained thanks to a specific feedback technique which provides high effective rigidity (and an adequate model)

c) peculiar features in the dynamic (harmonic) response of the silica/silica interface in aqueous solution in the presence of lamellar surfactants have been evidenced.

Tuesday, February 17th, 13:15
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, Boardroom (room 105)