McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics
MJHEP seminar

New Results from KTeV

Vivian Odell


Why the universe has evolved into mainly matter from a presumably matter-antimatter symmetric origin is a puzzle physcists are still trying to understand. The discovery in 1964 of CP (charge-parity) violation in neutral K mesons is a key to solving the puzzle, in that the existance of CP violation means that matter and antimatter interactions are not symmetric. In the 25 years since the discovery, the origins of CP violation are still mysterious. KTeV, a fixed target experiment at Fermilab's Tevatron Accelerator studies CP violation in neutral kaon decays. In this talk I will summarize recent results from the KTeV experiment and future plans.

Thursday, March 4th 1999, 15:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 305