Special Astrophysics Seminar
Radio exploration of the transient sky: Binary mergers
and peculiar core-collapse supernovae
Arvind Balasubramanian
Tata Institute for Fundamental Research
Observations over the last few decades have shown that the radio sky is very
dynamic on short timescales. Radio studies of transients uniquely unveil key
information on the physics at play in these events, as well as important clues
on the properties of their surroundings; complementing what we can learn from
observations in other wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. I will
speak about the physical insights we can obtain from radio observations of a
few interesting transients: (a) the radio afterglow from the binary neutron
star merger event GW170817; and (b) a peculiar rebrightening of the radio
afterglow of core-collapse supernova, SN2004dk; which I studied during my
PhD work at Texas Tech University.
Tuesday, May 16th 2023, 15:30
Trottier Space Institute (3550 University), Conference Room