Seminar in Hadronic Physics
Collisional Energy Loss - A welcoming component for jet
quenching phenomenon in heavy-ion collisions
Munshi Golam Mustafa
Theory Division Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics
Before we took up these studies, the dominance of the radiative energy loss
for the phenomenon of jet quenching in heavy-ion collision seemed to be
well established in the heavy-ion community. Within a very simple approach
we reconsidered, in 2003, the role of collisional partonic quenching and
showed that it could be significant and cannot just be overlooked as it
were done in the literature. However, only recently, after publication of
new data on the nuclear suppression factor in RHIC BNL, this simple idea
has gained wider interest.
At this point, the continuous up-gradation from RHIC BNL and LHC CERN will
be operational soon, one indeed needs to improve our simple approach in
different possible ways, which would definitely be a very desirable to verify
the importance of the collisional energy loss. I would like to discuss
our approach and its limitations. How can it be improved? Also this can
be used to study the photon tagged jet for which we have some preliminary
results that I intend to discuss.
Monday, September 10th 2007, 14:30
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103)