McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

HEP Theory Journal Club

Loops in AdS from Crossing Symmetry

Eric Perlmutter


This talk is about new results in the world of AdS amplitudes, with a focus on loops. Loop amplitudes in flat space QFT contain rich physical and mathematical structure. In contrast, loop amplitudes in AdS, which map holographically to higher-order terms in the 1/N expansion of CFT correlators, are essentially unexplored. I'll propose the large N conformal bootstrap as a practical tool to develop the loop expansion in AdS. By solving the crossing equations at subleading orders in 1/N, I'll explicitly construct some one-loop AdS amplitudes from CFT, skirting the need for Witten diagrams. I'll also explain how the analytic structure of one-loop Mellin amplitudes in any bulk theory is constrained by the 1/N expansion; and how this approach may be used to probe the UV structure of gravity in flat space.

Tuesday, November 15th 2016, 13:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326