Theory HEP SeminarMode mixing in angle and rapidity in a hydrodynamic description of heavy ion collisionsDerek TeaneyStony BrookWe determine the non-linear hydrodynamic response to geometrical fluctuations in heavy ion collisions using ideal and viscous hydrodynamics. This response is characterized with a set of non-linear response coefficients that determine, for example, the v5 that is produced by an ε2 and an ε3. These coefficients depend on viscosity in characteristic ways. We then use the linear and quadratic response to describe the observed correlations between the event plane angles. Finally, we extend the discussion to the rapidity direction, and discuss how shape fluctuations in rapidity lead to characteristic rapidity dependent correlations. At quadratic order, these rapidity fluctuations mix with the azimuthal dependence leading to rapidity dependent azimuthal correlations, which provide an appealing explanation for the “hard-ridge”.
Friday, February 15th 2013, 12:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, room 326 |