HEP Theory Journal ClubThe leading trajectory in the 2+1D Ising CFTZahra ZahraeeMcGillIn this talk we will discuss the low-spin analyticity of the leading Regge trajectories in 3D Ising CFT. The analysis is performed by using the Lorentzian inversion formula and the precise spectrum (obtained from the numerical conformal bootstrap) as an input. Specifically, we will answer two questions; first, can the leading Regge trajectories be extended to J < 2 and include spin 0 operators? We will provide evidence that the answer to this question is affirmative. Second, what is the value of the intercept for the leading Regge trajectory? We will argue that the intercept of the model is below unity: j* ~ 0.8, indicating regularity of the spectrum. Lastly, we will indicate how our observation is supported by analytics in the large-N O(N) model.
Wednesday, October 14th 2020, 12:30
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