Special CPM SeminarJosephson-Majorana cycle in topological single-electron hybrid transistorsNicolas DidierScuola Normale Superiore, PisaCharge transport through a small topological superconducting island in contact with a normal and a superconducting electrode occurs through a cycle which involves coherent oscillations of Cooper pairs and tunneling in/out the normal electrode through a Majorana bound state, the Josephson-Majorana cycle. We illustrate this mechanism by studying the current-voltage characteristics of two-terminal superconductor-topological superconductor-normal metal single-electron transistors. At low bias and temperature the Josephson-Majorana cycle is the dominant mechanism for transport.
Monday, March 19th 2012, 11:00
Ernest Rutherford Physics Building, R.E. Bell Conference Room (room 103) |