McGill.CA / Science / Department of Physics

RQMP Research Seminar

Quantum-information optoelectronics

Mackillo Kira

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Extremely strong lightwaves excite semiconductor quasiparticles much faster than scattering occurs, which paves the way for perfect transport of electronic quantum coherences. I will overview the key ideas behind such lightwave electronics, enabling ultrafast access and control of electronic quantum information in solids, possibly at petahertz (PHz) rates. Especially, I will demonstrate how a first-principles quantum dynamic cluster-expansion theory reveals intriguing nonperturbative quantum-kinetic and many-body possibilities beyond semiclassical models, often used to motivate lightwave electronics. As examples, I will present several quantitative theory–experiment comparisons, revealing the critical role of quantum memory for nonlinear optics, electronic quantum interferences for high-harmonic generation, coherent exciton collisions for harmonic sideband generation, Coulomb interaction for flipping valleytronic qubit in a WSe2 monolayer in less than 5fs, and crystal-momentum combs for enabling super-resolution imaging of electronic bands of quantum materials.

Thursday, May 6th 2021, 10:30