RQMP Research Seminar
What Role for Unconventional Electrolytes in the
Development of Energy Storage Devices?
Dominic Rochefort
Département de Chimie Université de Montréal
Ionic liquids, deep eutectics and highly concentrated solutions are good
examples of alternative liquids that have been proposed to replace conventional
electrolytes in energy storage devices. They are being researched actively with
the goal to increase the electrochemical stability window, temperature range of
operation, safety and energy density figures of such devices. These appealing
properties however usually comes at the (too high?) cost of decreasing the
power, due to lower transport rates of ions. While successful in research labs,
very few of these advanced electrolytes translated into real applications,
which is due in large part to the ill-defined goal of replacing current
electrolytes. These advanced electrolytes should be researched not to improve
current ones, but to open new possibilities, develop new functionalities that
are unachievable with conventional systems. This presentation will provide
an overview of our current research on advanced electrolytes focusing on
redox-active electrolytes and highly concentrated solutions.
Thursday, May 27th 2021, 10:30